The stage of writing textbooks is complete!

Dear friends, we're excited to share with you the annual report of our organization's work with children from Moldova and refugees from Ukraine. As you can see from the statistics, our organization recognizes the diverse needs of children and strives to provide a comprehensive response that covers all aspects of a child's development. We understand that the role of parents is also crucial, and that's why we involve them in our projects and provide lessons that help them support their children. Our aim is to create a safe and nurturing environment for children to learn, grow, and reach their full potential. We are grateful for your support in helping us achieve this goal.

142 families have been engaged in 40 joint (parent-child) lessons of holistic early development.

60 children assigned in additional section, which aims to strengthen self-sustainability of the center is "Mental Math Courses"

796 refugees from Ukraine were visited by our educators in the accommodation centers with programs for recovery.

46 leaders were trained and equipped to work with preschool children on the holistic model in their towns.