BRVC Kids working methods

Holistic approach Our focus is on the holistic development of a child's personality in five different areas - physical, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual. We believe that a child's growth and development is not limited to their academic achievements, but also involves their physical health, emotional well-being, social interactions with peers.

Parenting Our lessons are not exclusively for children. Parents have a significant influence on children's development. We provide lessons for both children and parents concurrently to create a more comprehensive approach to education.

Impact We offer lessons that target three types of families - those with evident dysfunction, families who may appear prosperous on the surface but are struggling with internal issues, and families who require temporary assistance, guidance, and external support through communication groups. Throughout the academic year, we receive a weekly visit from 70 parents and 80 children aged 1 to 7 years old. We arrange children into groups based on their age and language. Since 2022, we have established two groups for children from Ukraine.